When the world of Sfera is threatened by the machinations of a malevolent sorcerer, it will be up to a band of unlikely heroes to become the brightest light in the darkness.
The adventurers fan out across the land to find and retrieve the Arithmetiquities, a set of ancient mathemagical artifacts. Will they collect the relics and perform the arcane rites before evil engulfs the world? The Arithmetiquities is a fantasy adventure story told through a sequence of mathematical puzzles.
Teachers are saying...I've been very impressed with the rich discussion that's taken place (particularly when they disagree with one another) whilst they try to solve the problems.
Middle Grades Teacher // Livingston, Scotland "I’ve loved using [the Arithmetiquities] with my Year 7 students who are ahead on maths skills but need more practice on problem solving and comprehension skills."
Middle Grades Teacher // Victoria, Australia Vertical Divider
Students are saying...They have a fun little twist to them and more detail. It’s not like, “Sally had 3 apples,” but instead there are chapters that all come together and are actually fun for kids.
Seventh Grader // Seattle, USA I'm always looking forward to the next chapter. Even though it's challenging, it makes me think outside the box.
Sixth Grader // Seattle, USA Vertical Divider
In the media...The Arithmetiquities was the focus of an article in the Spring 2022 issue of Math Circular, a publication of the Math Circle Network and the American Institute of Mathematics.
Rethinking Story Problems to Engage Students’ Mathematical Curiosity |